Which Of Our Superior Services Is Right For You?

A new year is right around the corner! Do you have any aesthetic goals for 2022?

We wanted to highlight just a few of our services that are great options for those looking to improve their look in the new year.


Tox is our most popular aesthetic treatment! These injections are primarily used to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles.

Aside from the cosmetic benefits, this treatment is used to treat conditions such as neck spasms (cervical dystonia), excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), and lazy eye. Botox injections can also help prevent chronic migraines and TMJ.

Are you worried about side effects from Tox? Don’t be! The potential effects include slight headaches, bruising, and sensitivity at the injection sites. If you have questions about Tox or any of our services, give us a call! We’re more than happy to answer any questions and ease your concerns.


Chemical peels are a quick and affordable solution to make your skin glow! A chemical peel removes the top layer of your skin, and is used to improve the appearance of the skin on the face, neck, or hands. During these treatments, a chemical solution is applied that exfoliates the skin and eventually causes it peel off.  This treatment can be used to improve the appearance age spots, fine lines and wrinkles, freckles, and moderate skin discoloration.

Are you worried about the recovery process? Recovery from a chemical peel is generally quick and painless. Keeping your skin moisturized after your treatment is important to avoid any negative side effects. Possible side effects of chemical peels include mild irritation and dryness.

Lumecca IPL

Implementing IPL (intense pulse light) technology, Lumecca is optimized to treat facial pigmentation, superficial vessels, skin texture, and photodamage. Patients will notice improvements to the complexion and clarity of their skin after just one treatment. Since Lumecca is the most powerful IPL, these treatments deliver stronger results. This means fewer treatments than other IPL machines!

In a small number of sessions, Lumecca IPL has been shown to improve the appearance of age spots, rosacea, freckles, sun damage, and more.

Is Lumecca just for the face? Absolutely not! Although the most popular areas are the face and neck, many people seek treatment for their legs, arms, and hands.


Diolaze Hair Removal

Although winter is here in Virginia for a while, we’re already looking forward to warmer months and swimsuit weather! If you’re considering professional hair removal, Diolaze Hair Removal is a fantastic option. Diolaze offers our patients the most effective hair removal treatment. Diolaze is a quick and easy process to remove unwanted hair.

These treatments target hair follicles to eliminate growth. After your treatment, the treated hair follicles will no longer grow. When your treatments are completed, you will not have to wax, shave, or tweeze the treated areas! What could be better than that?

For a full list of our superior services, click here.

From all of us at Agenacare Aesthetics, we hope you have a fantastic 2020 and we hope to see you soon!


Answering Your Diolaze Hair Removal Questions


New Year’s Resolutions – Skincare Edition