New Year’s Resolutions – Skincare Edition

2022 is almost here and we’re all excited for a new year and new changes.

Along with the typical New Year’s Resolutions like exercising, self improvement, and other life changes, your skin health is something that could possibly use some improvements.

Here are some ways you can improve your skin health in 2022.

Drink More Water

                Hydrated skin is happy skin! Your skin needs to be hydrated to really thrive. Proper hydration can flush toxins from your body, reduce wrinkles, and increase elasticity!


                Exercise is usually on our New Year’s Resolution list, right? Exercise can help your skin by circulating blood and delivering oxygen and nutrients to the skin.

Wash Your Face Before & After Working Out

                Sweat and makeup do not mix well at all! Wearing makeup while working out can increase the chances of clogging your pores. Be sure to clean your face before you workout and after.


                Stress can wreak havoc on your skin. Stress can even exacerbate skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, acne, and hair loss. Try to find one simple way each day to destress.

Avoid Hot Water

                Very hot showers can actually strip your skin of natural oils and cause it to dry out! Take warm showers and be sure to hydrate your skin after.

Wash Your Sheets & Pillowcases Often

                Oil from your skin collects on pillowcases and cannot be removed unless you wash them. Experts recommend washing your pillow at least one time each week.

Protect Your Skin With Sunscreen             

                Wear sunscreen daily. The sun can harm your skin year-round so make sure you wear it anytime you’re outside.

We hope these suggestions help, and from all of us at Agenacare Aesthetics, have a fabulous new year!


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