Morpheus8 – What Is All The Hype About?

If you follow celebrity wellness or have investigated the latest skincare crazes, you’ve probably heard of Morpheus8.

What is the buzz all about?

Morpheus8 is a minimally invasive procedure that combines the resurfacing, collagen-boosting benefits of microneedling with radiofrequency energy. This technology uses tiny needles to deliver radiofrequency energy deep into your skin, which triggers your body’s healing response to promote the production of new collagen and elastin, helping to remodel and firm your skin, reduce wrinkles, and eliminate some unwanted fat.

We are thrilled to be one of the few businesses offering Morpheus8 technology!

What areas can Morpheus8 target?

While the neck and jawline are the most popular areas many people want to target with Morpheus8, this technology works for a wide range of areas. Many patients notice vast improvements to the look of wrinkles and fine lines on the neck and face, sagging skin under the eyes, stretch marks, acne scars, and other skin discolorations.  

Are there any side effects?

Morpheus8 is incredibly safe and comes with minimal side effects. Some of the potential mild side effects are temporary redness, dry skin, and light swelling. These effects usually resolve within a few days.

Is there a recovery period?

Most people experience little to no pain during the procedure and can return to daily activities immediately. Although your skin may appear red or slightly swollen, makeup can be used after the first 24-48 hours to resolve any discoloration you may want to cover. After your treatment, you will want to avoid direct sunlight for the following week and make sure you apply sunscreen and moisture often.

Since the radiofrequency energy can go so deep into your skin, you’ll experience faster, more remarkable results with little downtime!


Call today to learn more about the treatment so many celebrities swear by!



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